We are thrilled that you are keen to participate in the research. We have now completed a series of interviews and ideation workshops. If you are interested in supporting our mission to help creatives find meaningful work in climate, stay in touch.
Join our research waitlist by emailing us at: team@breakinto.org or use the form below to express your interest. Thank you.
*Note: Break Into does not currently receive any funding.
During May 2023 we shared a comprehensive 12 question 'careers survey' and collected responses from 70 jobseekers. We learnt about the barriers and restrictions people face when trying to 'break into' climate. Invaluable insights as we continue our research project.
During Autumn 2023 we undertook a series of deep dive interviews with a pool of ten candidates who'd previously completed our survey. Capturing nearly 700 observations, which we then curated into a set of job search mindmaps. These diagrams highlighted the complex challenges faced.
At the end of 2023 we hosted a series of four ideation workshops collaborating remotely using Miro. We explored climate sector recruitment issues with 20 participants from five countries. Diverse perspectives help to foster creative solutions - together the groups generated over 90 unique ideas!
Further Details
Our journey is inspired by these UN SDGs
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